28 October 2006

something to never do again...

last night was the first, and most likely the last time i will ever stay out until 5 in the morning. i am far too old to be doing stuff like that and my body was telling me no the whole time. the grandmas (rach & i) really came through last night, though. i'm proud to say that i did it. i honestly probably didn't drink that much (ok, i drank a little more than i'm used to) and estaba contenta. i can't stress enough how big of a difference there is between your first years of college (until after your junior year) and the start of your senior year, but there's a big one. i am definitely not the type of person i was when i was a freshman and sophomore and i think that you can never really understand the difference until you're at that crossroad. it's amazing because as much as we tell people that we are old (at least for this program, but in a broader sense, we will be faced with big decisions, but that does not classify us as 'old') and that going out and getting drunk every night that we're here just does not sound appealing to us or that staying out until 5 in the morning is WAY too late for us. but hell, we had a GREAT time!

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