16 February 2007

adventures & independence

yesterday i read an article in discover magazine about the galapagos islands. i started to reminisce about my incredible journey to ecuador and the galapagos islands in 2003. the guy who wrote the article had little to say about the beauty of the islands and it was heartbreaking. but it made me realize that some people don't see the same beauty. what's beautiful to me is not the same as what's beautiful to the person beside me. but i find that hard to believe when i think about the galapagos islands. it felt like there were never-ending discoveries awaiting me with every step i took and i was never, ever let down...even when our toilet was actually IN our shower or when my face started peeling after i didn't wear sunscreen on the equator so that i looked like one of the native tortoises. it was a beautiful place with beautifully pink-feathered flamingo, which i thought didn't actually exist until i saw them, blue-footed boobies, cute and friendly sea lions, spitting land iguanas, black and red sand beaches and sparsely populated islands.

i have decided that i want to spend the rest of my life traveling and discovering new things. i want to be able to see the entire world with no obstacles. i want to experience all that there is the in the world and have that make me who i am. i don't want ever want to be limited and i want my life to be limitless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mine don't have blue feet