15 March 2008

internet window shopping

so, today has been dedicated to scouring the internet for a few birthday presents for myself. normally, i make a huge deal out of my birthday, counting down the days from the beginning of the year until march 21st. yes, i have always done this...from the time i could speak [likely] to just last year. so for approximately 20 years (given that i could talk around the age of...2), my birthday has been the most important day of the year (christmas is a close second and both days have a 'wants' list.) with just under a week until i officially become old (in my book, that's 23) and a little extra cash in my bank account, i've decided that i'm going to buy myself something nice...or a few things that are nice, just not as nice. my day has consisted of asking sellers questions on ebay about the vintage frye boots that are up for auction, searching high and low for flouncy skirts that can only bring spring & summer here just a little more quickly, thinking about how many soy candles i can buy without being considered crazy and counting down the minutes left at work until i can go to revival and carefully peruse their second-hand goods (my sister and i have this thing w/ second-hand stuff, but i will make exceptions for things that i find extremely exceptional.) for a while though, i have wanted a pair of dr. scholls classic sandals. yes, i said it. you know, the ones with the one leather buckle strap that remind you of your grandma claribel (shout out to my grandma claribel, who, bless her heart, has probably never used the internet.) and until today, i figured these puppies only cost $50 max. little did bonkosi know that in 2008, a pair of dr. scholls classic sandals run about $90 a pair. what?!

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