03 November 2008

hometown to-dos...

so, here's the long awaited post. I know, I know...you've been biting your fingernails for a few months now, haven't you? well, you can thank me for saving your fingers, because here it is. I'll be returning to the midwest for a week's long stay and there are so many things that I cannot wait to do that I have a make a to-do list. what better place than here, in cyberspace, so I really won't forget. {and you can all hold me accountable for it, too!} much of my time will be spent rubbing my sister's pregnant belly, spoiling my nephews and niece to pieces, laughing, eating and embracing my 90+ year-old grandmother from zaire whom I've never met, but I am determined to do a few things on the side, too.

{1} breakfast @ the leaf kitchen every day with john...and jaclyn {who will be there in spirit}.
{2} dinner @ devotay for great wine and even better people.
{3} trips to dulcinea to hang out with JJ and paruse the goods.
{4} coffee w/ paula and a host of others @ the java house.
{5} an adventure to houseworks, artifacts, and decorum...to find some pieces to decorate OUR {me+him} apartment!
{6} meeting with niki @ RSVP to talk business and sell my jewels.
{7} nights out on the town with the boys {john, david, joe} @ fine establishments like quinton's, the mill, the foxhead, george's...
{8} a visit to the terribly missed steve, cody, wayne & ritchie.
{9} lunch @ oasis & which wich to use up my freeeeeeebies!
{10} the opportunity to freeze my tookis off @ the johnson county fairgrounds to watch john cream joe l in the 2008 jingle cross rock. {i'm just sayin'...}

so, there you have it. i've got my work cut out for the next few weeks, including a lululemon athletica store opening in georgetown and some incredible merchandising, moving into a 1BR apartment with john the same weekend and a trip to I-O-W-A! needless to say, I can't wait.


chanelle trowbridge said...

hey hey hey! I'M going to be in Iowa City the night of the 25th - the morning of the 29th! can you squeeze me into your to-do list?!!

chanelle trowbridge said...

oh shoot! I meant to say the night of the 26th...