27 April 2009

go ahead and smile.

i'd like to say that spring has finally arrived, but instead, i'll say that summer has. the last few days have been incredible. the 90-degree weather wasn't exactly predictable by the end of april, but i will take it. the days have proven to be those it'ssowarm& humid&sweaty&ican'tbeartobeoutside butican'thelpitbecauseit'ssonice days. the 'i'msohotandsweatyand myclothesaresticking toeverysquareinchofmybodypossiblebutidon'tcare' days. the 'i'vealreadyhadamangosorbet fromdean&deluca buti'lltakeanother' days. and also the 'ifeellikehavingasalad eventhoughihatesalad' sort of days. dancing and riding bikes home at 3:30 in the morning. sitting & people watching at the drum circle. drinks on the patio of the wonderland. majestic.

and two things that when i see them i can't help but smile: bassett hounds and little babies dressed like homies. i really can't help it.

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