28 February 2010


day 344: i've been having some serious cravings for frank's red hot sauce...


day 343: a lovely morning...some yoga, iced coffee, my bright kitchen and blogs.

twenty more days to get a lot of things checked off...

i only have a few more weeks to get all of the things in bold done. better get to work...

(from my march 23rd, 2009 post...)

saturday was my 24th birthday. happy birthday to me.
the 24 things i'd like to do before i turn 25, you ask?

1. take a photo a day for the next 365 days.
2. order moo minicards.
3. go to the dupont circle farmer's market.
4. have a little bonbons@ show.
5. volunteer at the SITAR arts center.
6. start an extended yogaworks teacher training.
7. open my sketchbook twice a week.
8. visit jaclyn.
9. carve out a place just to create.

10. get in a photobooth...somewhere, somehow.
11. spend ((another)) weekend in philadelphia with little sarah.
12. write in a journal. weekly, at least.
13. send mailart.
14. start my days with a yoga practice.
15. travel to iowa...twice, maybe even thrice.
16. see my brother tony after a 2-year hiatus.
17. sample all of the cupcake shops in d.c.
18. cough up the $24.95 for flickr pro.
19. dust off the polaroid and scrounge around for some film. use.
20. take on the 'agressive thrill rides at hershey park with the muskateers.
21. go to the
roots picnic festival.
22. spend christmas in iowa.
23. figure out the next step.
24. go on a yoga retreat with mary beth.

inspired by the list-maker of all time, hulagirl

26 February 2010


day 342: a happy basket in georgetown.


day 341: some days, i wish i'd get an issue of this magazine in the mail...sadly, it never comes anymore.

24 February 2010


day 340: i bought an agate geode in nyc. and i love it.


day 339: the current state of affairs in my mind and home.


day 338: a photo could never capture the sheer phenomenon that is this room.

today's inspiration.

"There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself."

- Henry David Thoreau, was a transcendental man.

21 February 2010


day 337: a walk through soho brought me to steps to nowhere and soho park, my new favorite place in the city.


day 336: a cold, cold heart.


day 335: out in nyc with my ladies...please disregard strange man on the side.


day 334: some georgetown street art.

i adore...

"i adore you, you crazy, gorgeous, wonderful (but also sometimes quite weird - but still very lovely) person"

*i do adore, you're right.

17 February 2010


day 333: i was so taken by this trash can...and its colors.


day 332: trying out a new-to-me studio.

15 February 2010


day 331: a pair made for my little emmadilemma.

14 February 2010

'lovers don't finally meet somewhere. they're in each other all along.'
- rumi


day 330: happy valentimes day to me...candlelight, coconut shrimp curry, and a big glass of pinot.

13 February 2010


day 329: things that make me smile while waiting for the bus.

12 February 2010


day 328: mara is one lucky lady.


day 327: another trek to work in way too much snow.
'we have to keep reinventing ourselves, almost every minute, because the world can change in an instant. sometimes the changes are forced upon us, sometimes they happen by accident and we make the most of them. we have to constantly come up with new ways to fix ourselves so we change, we adapt, we create new versions of ourselves. we just need to be sure that this one is an improvement over the past...'

"Surrender is faith that the power of Love can accomplish anything even when you cannot forsee the outcome."

- Deepak Chopra

10 February 2010

'let go of what you believe is right...this is open-mindedness.'


day 326: out of my window at 8:30 this morning...it just won't stop.

09 February 2010


day 325: dearest mother nature, please add some more snow to the 30" we have already. sincerely, bonkosi.

08 February 2010


day 324: my shadow's starting to look very panda-like...

07 February 2010


day 323: the snow makes things so beautiful.
(the last couple days make up for any days i've missed along the way...which has only been one!)

i l o v e .

'life can be very easy when love is your way of life...you may not have a reason to love, but you can love because to love makes you so happy. love in action only prod
uces happiness. love will give you inner peace. it will change your perception of everything.'
- don miguel ruiz, the 4 agreements

i love.

*today, after this blog was posted, i was presented with two unexpected but welcomed surprises on my walk to work.

06 February 2010

new little bonbons*

new goodies in the shop now!

yesterday, i encountered a beautiful, radiant middle-aged woman who made a commitment 8 months ago. a commitment to stop complaining. why? because it doesn't get her anywhere. it doesn't put her above anyone else, it doesn't solve her problems and it forces her to think about the miniscule bad and forget about the immense, triumphant good. she said to me, 'all of the bad things i have are in this tiny little pile and all of the good things just keep building up, so count your blessings.'

the good almost always amounts to more than the bad, but we choose to focus on something so small that we forget about all of the things we should be grateful for. so i quit. i can only do my best, but i'm committing to counting my blessings instead of complaining.

happy birthday, robert nesta.

today is the legend's birthday. we should all be grateful that his legend lives on.

def poetry jam season 6

everyone should hear these...

365(322) cont'd

day 322: otherwise car-busy streets were occupied by mobs of pedestrians and pandas somehow escaped the zoo.


day 322: chronicles of snowmageddon/snOMG/snowpocalypse dc 2010.