22 March 2010


day 365: this is it.

my 365-day photo project is complete. only one day completely missed, another day my camera died in the middle of the photo, but i'd say 363 photos during my 25th year of life is pretty good. there were some days that i was a little more moved by my environment (days with multiple photos) and other days where it became somewhat of a task (which means a lot of indoor photos.) what has this project done for me? it's allowed me to take in my environment and really see what surrounds me. it's opened up my world to life's little beauties that we often take for granted or that we just simply ignore. this is the world i see and i thank everyone for taking this journey with me. the photos won't stop, but i'm taking on another 365-day project for my 26th year of life. stay tuned.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay! This project was so inspiring to me, I'm trying to take on my everyday surroundings with my eyes wide open so I don't miss a thing! I loved following you through this year and I can't wait to be apart of what you see and do next year!