09 February 2007

we don't do g-rated

i haven't had much time to sit and write recently, so i've been posting aaron's progress, which is far more exciting than my dull life. the doctors said yesterday that he would be out of the hospital in 2-3 weeks and that is [yippee]!

the signs that he's coming along swimmingly are the following: (mind you, this is NOT g-rated)
  • my sister was wearing a shirt that one of aaron's friends made with his picture on it. my sister was also wearing a sweater over it (as it's far too chilly in iowa to not), and he kept pushing the sweater to the side because he "wanted to see his face." later, after i got there, he admitted the truth: "i just wanted to see your tits."
  • Aaron, as you may know, doesn't have a clean mouth. He swears when he's mad, he swears when he's frustrated, he swears when he's happy, he swears. I keep telling him that this is a G-rated place. Today was especially NOT G-rated. After the physical therapist told him that he has to be G-rated in the public areas and he could be R-rated in his room Aaron grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go get R rated."
  • What can you hold in your hand, turn on and is useful in the dark? Most people would say a flashlight. Aaron said, "A vibrator." The speech therapist, Aaron and I laughed uncontrollably.
  • You find these near airports and hotels? Aaron immediately says, "Hookers." Had he let her finish he probably would have said "taxis", which was the correct answer to the FULL question. I think he's a little, um, preoccupied.

but on a more serious note...
Aaron's physical progress is going really well. Today was the first day that he walked with only one person assisting him. He's still leaning to the left side most of the time but his balance is great. He's a little shaky when he gets tired or frustrated but the doctor thinks that upping his blood pressure meds could help. Oh, and for some reason the doctor wants to limit Aaron's caffeine intake. I'm sure it's because of the shaking but I'm not sure if he realizes that Aaron is NOT drinking alot of caffeinated beverages. About 1 (20 oz.) bottle of Coca-Cola per day. Aaron was pissed that he wasn't consulted about it. PISSED!

Biggest news of the day: no more enclosure bed. Aaron called me this morning to tell me.

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