23 July 2007

just some things

my momma's been in zaire for about 2 weeks now and will be gone for another month and a half/i miss her, but it's definitely good for both her and me/i had strep throat all last week and as a result, the week was uncomfortable in almost every aspect/i still have my wisdom teeth, which were supposed to be yanked out of their homes thursday/i guess thank god for strep/i have 3 jobs, i'm broke and it sucks/i move into my apt. in about a week and a half/still not sure where the $525 + new/second-hand furniture + utilities is all going to come from/and i still want to do so many things that require some amount of payment/dates, tattoos, alicante reunion in iowa city, trips to dc (or portland), wisdom teeth/ yup, i said wisdom teeth, but that's a long story/i just need to take a deep breath, and with it, hopefully mounds of money will come/

1 comment:

matt williams said...

I like your blog.